
Tmt comp background



Dr. Masaomi Tanaka (TMT SAC Member, University of Tokyo), Dr. Takashi Moriya (NAOJ), and Mr. Ryotaro Koshi (University of Tokyo) visited ITOFF and witnessed the first India-TMT segment being polished at ITOFF, during their visit to the Indian Institute of Astrophysics under a collaborative program between the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Image credit: India TMT / India TMT Coordination Centre

International Collaboration Enhances the TIO Project

A Japanese delegation recently visited the India TMT Optics Fabrication Facility (ITOFF) in Bengaluru, India, where they were introduced to the newly installed polishing equipment at the Indian site.
The successful installation of high-tech polishing equipment, sourced from Coherent in the U.S., marks a significant milestone in the project. It is a demonstration of the technology development that is being achieved through this international collaboration.

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TIO Kicks Off the Preliminary Design Contract for the Tertiary Mirror Support System and Positioner Assembly