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TMT Blog

India’s Devasthal Telescope
April 13th, 2017 TMT Blog

In the Himalayan foothills near Naintal, India, stands the largest single-mirror optical telescope in Asia: India’s new Devasthal Telescope, designed and built under the joint leadership of the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), the Indian Institute for Astrophysics, and the Tata Institute for Fundamental Research.

Bento Boxes and the Telescope Structure
March 20th, 2017 TMT Blog

One of the joys of working on TMT is the opportunity to collaborate with and learn from amazing people all over the world, including Japan.

Crossing Continents, Making Mirrors
March 8th, 2017 TMT Blog

Imagine trying to manufacture a primary mirror that is approximately 1/3 the size of an American football field.

Inside TMT, and Around the World, with Ravinder Bhatia
March 1st, 2017 TMT Blog

The Thirty Meter Telescope is being designed and built by an international partnership of institutes and countries representing almost half the world’s total population.

Displaying posts 41 - 44 of 44 in total